Saturday, July 2, 2011

What being a Republican means to me.

I am for keeping taxes low so that people can have the incentive to keep most of the money that they work for and earn. Not like in Socialist countries.
I am for keeping  and maintain the strongest military in the world to protect us from the various groups of people around the world. who want to kill us.
    Appoint federal judges who will adhere to the written document and not make law as they go along, bypassing the constitutional provisions for amending the Constitution.
    I am for keeping our borders secure, not allowing ILLEGAL’S into our country
I am a proud Republican because the Republican party believes in low taxes, less government and they believe in not interfering in peoples lives, and they have respect for life especially the the unborn and the elderly.
We are not afraid to believe in God and say so.
Conceitedly, the Republican Party hasn't always lived up to those ideals. But, it is a hell of a lot closer than the Democrats.
If you believe that this country is a country that respects their own laws and If you believe -- If you believe that this country, not the United Nations is best hope for democracy, and does not look at the United Nations as their leader, then you are a Republican as I am.

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