The Democrats must really be scared. Now we once again see Obama waging the dog with his new gay marriage issue.
Obama's endorsement was based on his Daughters school mates! Now what the heck does that have to do with the Brooklyn Bridge? Are we now making decisions based on Obama 's little girls?
Obama supports gay marriage yesterday for the simple reason that tonight
he has a fundraiser and needs stupid celebrities to believe in him so
they will give him their cash. Votes and cash are all Obama cares about,
not gay people, not black people, not American people. If you believe
otherwise, you're a fool.
I hope the Catholic church will get into the fight against Obama on this issue. If he thinks that he's going to get the Gay's to be on his side because of his Flip-Flopping he's out of his mind. But then again, what else is new?
This could be good for Romney if he plays it right.