Friday, July 29, 2011

So, the Stock Market didn't CRASH today.

 Stocks fell only slightly today, we didn't see the multi-hundred point drop as we were warned by the left.  Could it be that fewer people are buying the lies and the threats Obama wanted us to believe?  No 3 digit drop, no panic, just another ordinary day and a bad market day because of the Obama economy and the lack of jobs .
So I guess by now, even the financial markets are wise to Obama and called his bluff. His hysterical predictions weren't fulfilled. And Grammy got her Social Security check after all.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Guess who's moving their HQ to China?

Obama named his longtime friend and supporter GE chief Jeffrey Immelt to head his economic recovery advisory panel in January. (LA Times)
The head of Barack Obama’s Economic Advisory Panel is moving his business to China.
Bloomberg reported:

    General Electric Co. (GE)’s health-care unit, the world’s biggest maker of medical-imaging machines, is moving the headquarters of its 115-year-old X-ray business to Beijing to tap growth in China.
    “A handful” of top managers will move to the Chinese capital and there won’t be any job cuts, Anne LeGrand, vice president and general manager of X-ray for GE Healthcare, said in an interview. The headquarters will move from Waukesha, Wisconsin, amid a broader parent-company plan to invest about $2 billion across China, including opening six “customer innovation” and development centers.
    The move follows the introduction earlier this year of GE Healthcare’s “Spring Wind” initiative to develop and distribute medical products and services in China, GE said in a statement today. More than 20 percent of the X-ray unit’s new products will be developed in China, LeGrand said.

Well, we know the move was not based on taxes… GE didn’t pay any taxes last year. The company reported worldwide profits of $14.2 billion, and said $5.1 billion of the total came from its operations in the United States.
But that didn’t stop the company from moving business to China.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Republicans For Obama!

I wonder how much attention Robert paid to the "lifestyles" of Bush 1 and 2, or that of Reagan.  It's the American President for heaven's sake, and can hardly be expected to live the lifestyle of middle America.  Come to think of it, didn't these same people disparage President Obama when photographed wearing flip-flops, saying it was "unpresidential"???  *sigh*
I wonder if Robert knows the first family has to pay for their own food, unless it's a state dinner????

And You're a Republican?  Who do you think you are fooling?
If it talks like a Liberal and acts like a Liberal, and even replies like a Liberal, YOU MUST be a Liberial.  So why don't you stop kidding yourself and call this place Liberials For Obama?

Monday, July 25, 2011

Obama to speak tonight on the on debt limit stalemate.

Another Obama speech... to blame the evil Republicans, I'm sure. ..  What else is new? We wouldn't want the affairs of State to interfere with his bid for a second term, or his next golf game either!
I don't know why should I bother listening, I don't believe a word he says anyhow.

How long will it be until

How long will it be until the media and the lefties blame the Tea Party movement, Sarah Palin and the Republicans for the Violence in Norway.
The Police say the suspect was Anders Behring Breivik, but the Lame Brain Press say it was the RighwingNutJobs fault. 
I guess that the fact of Breivik being a Psychopath has nothing to do with it? 
His actions were heinous, and blaming the Rightwingers are just as heinous.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Why would anyone vote for Obama...again?

Lets look at the facts. America is in a recession (for several reasons, including massive government spending) and it’s getting worse. Huge spending must end, or America is going to fall into a depression (though it may even too late anyways). And as a note* Michele Obama is not helping one bit with her absolutely insane vacations all over the world.  It’s as if these two are looking to bankrupt our country.

Obama has massive spending plans. And remember, ending the occupation of Iraq will not bring any money back; and what that would save is not enough. America is over $14 trillion dollars in debt and growing, and if you’ve ever been in debt you should damn-well know what that means .  If you don’t, I’ll spell it out for you... It means  NO money.

Reducing and eventually eliminating the debt will be an American priority for probably decades, but Barack Obama’s promises would only send us deeper in the hole.  All the more reason why the republicans always say that big government doesn’t work.
Obama vowed to uphold the Constitution and constitutional principals, and that promise was broken a long time ago.

To just have slogans like “yes we can” and “Hope and change” don't do it.
After two and a half years in office, Obama has clearly shown that he really DOESN’T have  what it takes to lead this. country.  So why are you folks so in favor of him?

And you want this clown to be re-elected?

This nasty little Chicago Community Organizer  is not stupid. He's just corrupt, and anti-American. . He's also a lying Chicago politician who is trying his best to ruin America.
This clown doesnt care for America its people or culture or anything but his personal agenda, and his alliances with the like of Alinsky, Soros, Acorn, Ayers ...not to mention his appointees tell far more about him than and political pundit ever could his is the worst presidential administration I have witnessed since I started paying attention and Ive voted for well over 30 years, I truly feel sad for my country. And I feel sorry for the people who are "REALLY" republicans and want this clown to be re-elected.

Thursday, July 21, 2011


 High gas prices and a failing economy have taken their toll on President Obama’s approval ratings.

President Obama's approval rating is 45 percent, and his disapproval rating is 54 percent, according to CNN's latest poll.

America, Wake Up Please

We are in Debt up to our ears and the Obama's are living, vacationing, etc. on the Taxpayers dime.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A message to the angry black youth out there.

I'm still waiting for the “Racist” signs and the proof of the spitting that went on at the Tea party gathering..  … still waiting and waiting waiting… Ever wonder why NOBODY was able to prove it for 100k? Andrew Breitbart put up 100k for evidence of racism during the heatlhcare DEBACLE in congress that was alleged by another racist of the black caucus. many camera’s many recording devices in the area NOT ONE SHRED of evidence. But the cry of the victim is “We’re always the victim” You’re lying, you’re scared I understand. bro I truly do.
Once the truth is out that racism is dead (Which it has been for many years except in PRISON, where racism is on ALL sides and ALWAYS forefront) you guys will have to stand on your own feet. You wont be able to blame whitey for your troubles… Do you really ever want to see the end of racism? Come on man we can tell the truth here… The end of imagined racism will end your entitlements, your grants, your special treatments…. Its dead man, Racism is dead. The Klan is dead but the BLACK PANTHERS are alive and well?  Duh!
The congressional Black caucus would have to be abolished if racism was proven dead. it will never be dead because YOU clowns keep it alive. You folks who see racism in everything you disagree with… It’s alive only in your mind… a small minded person looks for the worst in men. A strong mind sees the good… Sorry man, I’m sorry for you and those like you. The potential for greatness is in our youth and you choose to waste it on imagined racism… it’s the easy path. stay on it till it comes to the cliff, then for god sake stop.
The underlying fact is we need  grow up and act like civilized Americans. If we don't then we all are doomed.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

What being a Republican means to me.

I am for keeping taxes low so that people can have the incentive to keep most of the money that they work for and earn. Not like in Socialist countries.
I am for keeping  and maintain the strongest military in the world to protect us from the various groups of people around the world. who want to kill us.
    Appoint federal judges who will adhere to the written document and not make law as they go along, bypassing the constitutional provisions for amending the Constitution.
    I am for keeping our borders secure, not allowing ILLEGAL’S into our country
I am a proud Republican because the Republican party believes in low taxes, less government and they believe in not interfering in peoples lives, and they have respect for life especially the the unborn and the elderly.
We are not afraid to believe in God and say so.
Conceitedly, the Republican Party hasn't always lived up to those ideals. But, it is a hell of a lot closer than the Democrats.
If you believe that this country is a country that respects their own laws and If you believe -- If you believe that this country, not the United Nations is best hope for democracy, and does not look at the United Nations as their leader, then you are a Republican as I am.